Here in This article you can easily find IFSC codes of your bank in just one step. You just have to select your state and city and your IFSC is ready.
Recently Syndicate Bank has merged with Canara Bank, Allahabad Bank with Indian Bank, Vijaya Bank and Dena Bank with Bank of Baroda. Now the new IFSC code of new banks has come into effect from July 1. Let us tell you that IFSC codes play an important role while transferring money.
In such a situation, if someone sends them money through the old IFSC code, then they may find it difficult. Therefore, before sending money to the account holders of those banks, check the bank and make sure that you have sent the money through the updated IFSC code.
Here are some awesome techniques to Find IFSC codes of Canara Bank, Allahabad Bank with Indian Bank, Vijaya Bank and Dena Bank .
You guys can Easily find IFSC Codes of these banks by using these links easily. Use this link to find ifsc codes of the banks.
Click Here to get new Ifsc Code of Canara Bank –
Click Here to get new Ifsc Code of Allahabad Bank –
Click Here to get new Ifsc Code of Vijaya Bank –
Click Here to get new Ifsc Code of Dena Bank –
In the alert issued by HDFC, it has been said that if there are such persons in your beneficiary list, who have Syndicate Bank, Allahabad Bank, Vijaya Bank and Dena Bank, then you cannot make any mistake under any circumstances. Actually, IFSC codes of these banks have changed and now you have to update the new codes to send money to them. Otherwise your money will not be transferred.
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